In Bathurst, Caraquet and Miramichi, as well as in Tracadie and northeastern New Brunswick, Mr. Bug offers fast and guaranteed pest control service for an infestation of carpenter ants.
If you have carpenter ants infesting your home, act quickly before the infestation spreads with carpenter ants multiplying in several different nests. Call us right away! We are certified and experienced pest control experts using approved products to eradicate these pests.
To put an end to a long-term infestation of carpenter ants, the exterminator will target the queen, source of the problem. The queen must be eliminated. We can place bait that the carpenter ants will bring back to the other ants in the nest, as well as to the queen. Aerosol insecticide can also be sprayed on high-risk surfaces.
But we will not only set traps and treat your home with the appropriate certified product, we will also investigate where carpenter ants have been infiltrating. We will then provide you with specific recommendations to prevent the infestation from recurring (caulking holes and cracks, removing damp wood, reducing humidity). We can also treat the exterior of your home to prevent another infestation of carpenter ants the following year.
Mr. Bug's certified exterminators will solve your problem quickly and permanently. Our carpenter ant pest control service is guaranteed (written guarantee) and is offered at a very competitive price.